As mentioned in vedas, "vasudaika kutumbum", the whole world is a global village, in which every human being and all creatures in this world should be bonded with love and live by truth. This is what life is for.... but maintaining equilibrium in all aspects of life has become a herculean task for the postmodern man. Bharath is said to be karmabhumi, but gradually losing its sheen and respect in many aspects of her greatness; intolerance and insecurity are the order of the day...we have stopped upholding the greatest values handed down by vedas, on the other hand, we are restricting ourselves to biased, prejudiced and constructed world, where freedom is available at cost. we have lost so many lives due to our confined, fundamentalistic, chauanistic attitude, and still spreading intolerance in the younger generation. This is no doubt self-destructive attitude.. unless we grow out of all fears,prejudices, we cannot build a free and fair world for the coming generation..For god's sake, for our younger generation's sake, stop imparting biased, partial knowledge; instead teach them the greatest values of freedom. as freedom is what a creative expression of an individual... that is how the world should be built...

not this not this.. as mentioned in vedas....
always utter these words and grow your conscious levels by gaining knowledge which leads you to freedom from all prejudices...
whatever be the judgement...
- look at it from the objective point of view....
- don't let your emotions guide your mind..
- let your mind to analyse objectively...
- don't jump to conculsion...

Niether lord Ram nor Alla favours violence, pray for peace and unity.....
satyameva jayate.....