i real feel like writing something about art and commerciality in cinema, as many people mentioned that art films are very slow in their presentation, and there is no entertainment in them, and i have aslo observed that some telugu cinema directors used to say that they don't like to make award cinemas, they want to reach common audience, whenever they don't get the awards. i fully agree cinema has lot of commercial scope, at the same time cinema has the quality of being an art form, for that matter it is better to say " it's a commerical art form".

the first thing we need to consider is its entertaining quality, and then expressing the emotions by creating suspension of disbelief in the minds audience, as i know majority of the filmmakers in india regard cinema as entertainment, there is nothing wrong in it, similarly, few distingusihed filmakers in india or in the world proved that cinema has the potentiality of art form. before we go further, let's discuss, what is an art form, as far as my knowledge is concerned, a work of art is one that is timeless, eternal in its appeal, has greatest way of expression which is completely original, like mahabharatha or ramayana, and ever new at every time you watch the film, it's purely an artist's highest form of expression that sprang from his deepest heart, whether you appreciate or not, it has its own significance,

i would like to give an example, many of us may not be able to appreciate hindustani or karnatic music, but we can appreciate film music easily, as it catches our attention, that doesn't mean hindustani or karnataic music is not great, just because they are slow and can't enjoy the music, ususally in ancient days, in india, music is aimed to reach divinty, for that matter, take every art form in india such as dance, painting, aimed to have a higher goal to reach divinity... cinema is a newly born medium which has a high potentially for the entertainment, at the same time it has also the potentiality to express the aesthetics, artistry and could create creative expressions like any other art form,
here we need to understand this point clearly, and the other point is why art cinema is slow, as far as i know, they wanted to represent truthfullness of the characters, events or circumstances with time and space to express them through the pure cinematic form, which we feel boring, becuase of our pre occupied mind compares with the overdramatized movies made solely for the sake of entertaining the audience with all the liberties taken at the cost of telling or representing the truthfulness or objectivity of the story. of course some of the filmmakers in the world are successful in entertaining the common and class audience alike. as the artist grows in mind and spirit, he tries to explore different forms in the medium he is using, this where comes the gap between the audience and the filmmaker, and i aslo say entertainment is not a dirty word, but entertaining the audience at the cost of objectivity of the story or the characters is wrong, if they could maintain both objectivity with convincing reality and entertainment, it will no doubt be a great achievement, this is what every art filmmakers are trying to achieve, they never discriminate common audience or class audience, they just make films to express their urge to create highest form in the cinema by maintaining objectivity in the story, but cinema is commercial in everyway, has to take into consideration unless one patronises the filmmakers to create great as our ancients did in india.

i feel never discriminate any film by art or commercial, but judge the film by its objectvity, truthfullness of the characters and their emotions, original representaion, instead of its exitement, entertainment, what next attitude at the cost of above values. of course, when we watch some entertaining films, we feel so happy at that moment, we don't want to see it again, we feel bored, but when you watch some great films, they are timeless, eternal in its appeal. here i am not saying entertainment films are bad, they will be great if the filmmaker can incorporate or maintain the above values in his films. bye...
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